- Support clear messages and standards of no illegal use of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs, (including "no use" under legal age) and no abuse of legal drugs or substances for adults or youth.
- Support comprehensive and coordinated approaches that include prevention, education, law enforcement, research, and treatment in addressing issues regarding alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs.
- Support strong laws and meaningful legal penalties that hold users and dealers accountable for their actions.
- Support the requirement that any medical use of psychoactive or addictive drugs meet the current criteria required of all other therapeutic drugs.
- Support adherence to the scientific research standards and ethics that are prescribed by the world scientific community and professional associations in conducting studies and reviews on alcohol, tobacco and other drugs (without exception to illicit drugs).
- Support efforts to prevent availability and use of drugs, and oppose policies and programs that accept drug use based erroneously on reduction or minimization of harm.
- Support International Treaties and Agreements, including international sanctions and penalties against drug trafficking, and oppose attempts to weaken international drug policies and laws.
- Support efforts to halt the legalization/decriminalization of drugs.
- Support the freedom and rights of individuals without jeopardizing the stability, health, and welfare of society.